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Draft UN Security Council Resolution to Condemn Israeli Annexation Plans

A draft United Nations Security Council resolution, which was revealed on Tuesday, condemned an official Israeli plan to annex all illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank. The latest push on the UN comes as another stark opposition to President Donald Trump’s Middle East Plan.

Reuters news agency said that the draft text was submitted to the other Council members by the Tunisian and Indonesian representatives.

It is unclear when will the vote on the draft take place, but it is expected that a vote may be scheduled to coincide with a visit by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas next week. 

“The resolution ‘stresses the illegality of the annexation of any part’ of occupied Palestinian territories and ‘condemns recent statements calling for annexation by Israel’ of these territories,” according to the draft seen by Reuters and others.

It is also expected that the US representatives at the UN will veto the draft. However, Palestinians are hoping that all other UNSC members will vote to condemn Israel’s annexation plans and, by extension, Washington’s so-called Deal of the Century. 

According to the plan, the US will officially recognize Israel’s illegal Jewish settlements in the occupied territories; Jerusalem will be the “undivided capital of Israel”; Gaza will have to be demilitarized and “there shall be no right of return” for Palestinian refugees.

Jared Kushner, US President’s senior adviser and son-in-law, is one of the main architects of the plan, known as the “Deal of the Century”. Kushner is due to brief Security Council ambassadors on his country’s plan on Thursday.

Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Tuesday that he will ask the government to approve the annexation of the Jordan Valley after the March 2 elections, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported on Wednesday.

Concurrently, the European Union’s Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell said that Israeli plans to annex the Jordan Valley and parts of the West Bank “could not pass unchallenged.”

(The Palestine Chronicle)

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