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Diet to Get Rid Of Wrinkles

A face can tell a thousand stories, but most of us would rather not have our histories written out in wrinkles. Here is the best anti-wrinkle diet

Lean Protein

Skinless chicken, fish, beans, nuts, and other lean protein foods help repair cells that have suffered free radical damage. When protein is digested, it breaks down into amino acids, the building blocks of cells. Having plenty of amino acids available helps to speed the repair and redevelopment of skin cells and collagen.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is chock-full of oleic acid, one of the fatty acids that keep cell membranes fluid and make skin elastic. Olive oil also has small amounts of other vital fatty acids that fight inflammation. Yet another advantage comes in the form of vitamin E and polyphenols, a class of antioxidants that protect skin from free radical damage.


It brings a wealth of skin-protective polyphenols to your plate. Keep a clean garlic press at the organized and add minced garlic-especially raw-to as many of your dishes as possible. You can also eat a garlic clove, chopped into several pill-size pieces, every day.

Berry Bonanza

For tiny fruits, berries pack more antioxidant punch than any other fruit or vegetable tested. Eat plenty of blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries. They work charmingly to help protect skin from the damage that leads to wrinkles. Citrus fruits, and red apples with the peel on are also rich in antioxidants.

Green Tea

Green tea is high on the list of skin-friendly beverages.


Salmon, mackerel, and other fatty fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids do marvels for your skin. The omega-3s provide a wealth of protection by keeping cell membranes fluid.

Vegetables and Beans

Add these foods to the fish and olive oil, and you’re really feeding your skin the foods it needs to achieve that young-looking smoothness.

Water Yourself Regularly

Skin cells need a plenty of fluid to keep their membranes supple and friendly to the nutrients that keep them healthy. You should probably drink six to eight cups a day to keep your skin smooth and hydrated. If you’re sweating because of physical activity or if you’re outside in hot weather, you should drink even more.

Women need 11 cups (2.7 litres) of fluid per day, men 15 cups, or 3.7 litres. That’s from all sources-water, juice, coffee, tea, soup and all other liquids as well as food.

The post Diet to Get Rid Of Wrinkles appeared first on Masalamah.com.

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