How To Make Time For Yourself As A Busy Mom So You Can Thrive
If you’ve been around here a while, then you know that I truly believe that we need to put our own needs first so that we can better serve the ones we care about. And I know for moms this can be easier said than done.
One thing I hear quite a bit from my readers is, Okay that great, but how do I actually make time for myself when everyone else always needs me.
I get it! It can feel impossible to make time for yourself as a busy mom. But I promise it is possible. In fact, it is necessary. If you aren’t actively making real self care a priority, eventually your body will force you to.
I know this first hand from my experience with postpartum depression.
So please, please, PLEASE stop thinking that everyone else’s needs are more important. Those people you are caring for day in and day out are depending on you and really need you to be on top of your game. And without self care, you’re just not going to be much good to anyone.
Why Is It Important To Take Time For Yourself?
Being a mom is a job that you need to be on 24/7. There are no breaks, no sick days, and it is often thankless and draining.
If you try to keep up with everything and never take any time for yourself, you’re going to be depleted, resentful, and eventually burnout. You need to take time for yourself so that you can refresh and renew and have more energy, patience, and joy.
Is It OK To Have Me Time?
Yes, Yes a thousand times YES!
I know it can feel selfish to take time for yourself when you have little ones, but do you think they would rather have a mother who feels resentful toward them or who actually looks forward to spending time with them every day?
You are a person too. Your needs matter. Even if your family doesn’t realize it, everyone will benefit from you making time for yourself.
That is why I want to help you learn how to get me time as a mom.
How Much Me Time Should I Have?
I don’t think there is one right answer for everyone. The simple answer is that you need enough to feel replenished and renewed. This will really depend on the season of motherhood you are in.
A mom with a newborn may only have 5 minutes to herself every day. But a mom with older kids may be able to have several hours.
Related: Essential Self Care For New Moms | 13 Tips For Moms To Thrive
However much time you do have, make sure you are using it wisely. What acts of self care will give you the biggest return on investment for the time you have? I call this your minimum effective dose of self care.
Figure out what that is for you and stick with it every single day. It will make a big difference in your overall wellbeing.
Now that we’ve talked about all the reasons making time for yourself is important, let’s dive into how you can actually make time for yourself as a busy mom.
How To Make Time For Yourself As A Busy Mom

Use Your Time Wisely
Have you ever put the baby down for a nap and spent the whole time scrolling social media, and then you wonder where all that time went? I certainly have. And I always feel worse after.
Make sure you actually use the time you have to do something that will replenish you physically, mentally, and emotionally. If you can’t avoid the temptation of your phone, put it on silent, turn off notifications, or even leave it in another room.
Related: 8 Signs You Need A Digital Detox
Routines will make your life so much easier. You will no longer have to rely on willpower and motivation to get things done, they will just happen organically.
It will also help you have more peace in the home, because the kids will already know what to expect, therefore, minimizing tantrums, meltdowns, and fighting.
Boundaries are necessary, mama! If you want to have time for yourself while raising little ones, you will need to have clear, concise and firm boundaries.
Here are my best tips for setting guilt free boundaries with kids.
Get Out Of The House
If you have the option to leave your house, do it. Otherwise, there is always the chance of your me time being interrupted, and you will still be “on”.
I have learned a few things from being a WAHM for 10 years, and even if you are in another room and your husband is with the kids, they will still come to find you when they want a snack or need help with something.
So, if you have the ability to actually get out of your home, do it!
TV Or Devices
I’m not the biggest fan of screens, but if you REALLY need some time to yourself and the only way to get that is to use Netflix as a babysitter, then do what you need to do.
It will be better for the kids to have 30 minutes of screen time than to have a mom with no patience. So don’t feel guilty about it.

Mama, you need time for yourself. You were a person before you were a mother, and that person matters. It is so easy to completely lose yourself in motherhood, but your whole family will benefit from you making time to yourself.
I hope this post gives you some practical ideas and empowers you to realize how important you are.
The post How To Make Time For Yourself As A Busy Mom So You Can Thrive appeared first on Mama Finds Her Way.
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