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Common But Wrong Beliefs about Health and Wellness

These health performs are not only misleading, but they can also damage your health. Find out why science is calling BS.

There’s a health pandemic. And it has nil to do with a virus. And you have to quarantine yourself at home. There are many false health hacks about outbreak and they are spreading fast.

We are going through four of the biggest false beliefs about health and wellness.

Wrong Belief: Natural remedies for colds and flu work well than medicines

We love home remedy health stories for a number of reasons—they’re suitable, profitable and “natural.” But is it possible the cure is in your cupboard?

There are so many cold and flu home remedies that have to do with herbs, but there is just no proof they work. In addition, the herbal remedies could be causing more harm than good. If you’re taking any remedies, they can be contraindicated with some home remedies.

Although the virus can’t be treated by natural remedies and has to run its course, symptoms can be treated with home remedies that are science-proven.

Wrong Belief: Wine and Alcohol are good for you

If you’ve heard of the French paradox, you’ve possibly got about research that proves wine is good for you. It’s for the reason that red wine comprises of resveratrol, which can help with heart health. But, it appears such studies may have had false data.

People love stories about how eating chocolate will make you skinny and that wine is good for you. But most recent study recommends that no amount of alcohol is safe.

Wrong Belief: Blueberries are the Energy Booster You Should Eat Everyday

Every month there’s a new superfood, whether it’s blueberries, broccoli, avocado, almonds, and even chocolate. These studies are group studies, meaning they are just showing a relationship between eating a certain food and a certain health result. It doesn’t show real relationship. They make countless features, and it is almost always an overstatement of what the science actually said.

Obviously, you should eat a balanced healthy diet, but there’s no “superfood or energy booster”.

Wrong Belief: Stem Cells are the Treatment for Everything

From an ingredient in your lotion to joint paint, stem cells are capable to be the answer for handsome much every beauty and health condition. But buyer be careful, while it shows a lot of promise, there’s no clinical proof to support [product claims]. Celebrities for creating the tinkle about stem cell treatments are blamed.

So if the research is indicating in that direction, why are we hearing so much about stem cells? It’s about taking a small study and magnifying it and making it seem like you can apply it to many things.

The post Common But Wrong Beliefs about Health and Wellness appeared first on Masalamah.com.

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