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US Warns Israel against Unilateral Annexation of West Bank Settlements

US envoy David Friedman warned Israel on Sunday not to declare sovereignty over West Bank without Washington’s consent, rejecting calls for immediate action by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his coalition.

Soon after US President Donald Trump revealed his so-called Deal of the Century, Netanyahu declared that Israeli sovereignty will be applied to all land covered by the map.

Netanyahu said the new map will cover all illegal settlements in the West Bank and the Agvar region.

With Israeli Defense Minister Naftali Bennett and other ultra-nationalists urging an immediate cabinet vote on West Bank annexation, the US ambassador intervened.

“Israel is subject to the completion (of) a mapping process by a joint Israeli-American committee. Any unilateral action in advance of the completion of the committee process endangers the Plan & American recognition,” envoy David Friedman tweeted.

In a separate speech, Friedman elaborated that his message was “a little bit of patience, to go through a process, to do it right, is not something which we think is too much to ask for,” Reuters reported.

During a campaign event on Saturday, Netanyahu announced that the mapping process with the US was already underway.

“We’ve been waiting since 1967 and some people are making a big deal out of a few weeks,” Netanyahu said, alluding to right-wing rivals.

(The Palestine Chronicle)

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