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Types of Leg Pain and Times to Take Them Seriously

Serious Leg Pain:

Many kinds of leg pains are just signs of misuse and react to ice and anti-inflammatory [pain medications]. It happens when there is a blood clot in a vein, often in the lower limb.

Only doctors can truly identify leg pain causes and if home treatment doesn’t give comfort fairly quickly, go for a medical advice.

Shin Splint

Pain in the front of the leg or knee is often a sign of shin splints and it is always connected to misuse. That is especially true when people begin or quickly increase exercise or activity. When people start walking or running at about three miles a day, their bodies aren’t ready for that increase in activity. So according to experts give rest to your legs, use ice to lessen swelling, and take anti-inflammatory painkillers.  Make sure that splints aren’t stress fractured by maintaining appropriate vitamin D levels. Go to your physician and ask him to test your vitamin D levels and discuss how you can increase them if they are at low levels.

Leg Spasm

Spasms or cramps in the leg muscles may be caused by overuse or dehydration. Sometimes even just walking much longer than usual may activate leg cramps. Routine muscle cramps generally last just a few seconds or minutes and ease with warmth, rest and stretching. But it’s important to differentiate between those and deep vein thrombosis (DVT). It generally presents with more deep-rooted continuous pain and swelling. If you unsure you have any signs of DVT, go for instant medical attention. Another reason of continuing pain and cramping in the legs could be peripheral artery disease, a blockage of the arteries (much like heart disease) that can decrease flow to the limbs. 

Knee Pain

If you have pain in knee and rises with the movement of joints or the joint is inflamed or looks red, you may have bursitis. Rest, ice, and over-the-counter pain killers can treat bursitis and help you deal with knee pain at home. You can also cushion your knees if you need to continually go down on your knees or if the knee is in contact with hard surfaces. If the pain and swelling don’t respond or deteriorate despite in-home treatments.


A killing pain down the back of the leg may be caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve that runs from the lower back through the buttocks and into the legs. Mostly gentlemen who carry heavy wallets in the back pocket of their pants have this pain. Release the pressure on the nerve (lighten the wallet) and the pain will often heal.

Pains in Growing Years

Children often awaken with severe leg cramps and leg pain. Many people remember the terror of that pain and how difficult it was to ease it. Kids who go through these have their pains usually related with growth emissions. As the child’s bone grows, the muscle tendons stretch, and cause pain where they attach to the bone. Ice, pain relievers, and stretching can lessen the incidents.

Thigh Pain

Construction workers, police officers, and others who wear heavy belts often complain of thigh-specific leg pain. It may be due to the belts that may cause pressure on a nerve that surrounds the hip. The pain releases down the thigh. The long-term solution is to decrease the weight of the belt to relieve the pressure on the nerve.

The post Types of Leg Pain and Times to Take Them Seriously appeared first on Masalamah.com.

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