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STEM competition welcomes more than 700 students

STEM competition students

Abu Dhabi University (ADU) hosted the second edition of its science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) competition.

STEM competition students

Held at ADU’s Al Ain campus, the competition brought together more than 700 students from 32 public and private high schools in Al Ain. Led by supervisors from their schools, contestants brainstormed practical solutions and put their knowledge to the test by answering a set of thought provoking mathematical, science, technology, and engineering questions.

Chaired by Dr. Abdelkareem Alzoubi, the Scientific Committee awarded the first place to Shamma Hareb Al Kuwaiti, Saeed Shaiban Al Mheiri and Ali Sultan Al Nuaimi, representing Al Ittihad National Private School; second place went to Mustafa Khalifa Kassab, Bara’ Wael Tailakh, and Rana Nizar, representing Al Andalus Private Academy; third place was awarded to Mahmoud Khalid, Syed Baqar Raza, and Mohamed M. Fakhri from Our Own English High School.

The winners were presented with trophies, certificates, and cash prizes in a special ceremony held at Abu Dhabi University’s Al Ain campus.

Visit: Abu Dhabi University

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